Fostering Learning Alliances with NTNAU Instructional Coaching
NTN Practice Cards are equity-centred practices, curated in card sets, and provide different strategies to design and implement learning that embodies authentic, complex thinking and problem solving and creates safe, inclusive and emotionally supportive learning environments.
Becoming an ally for each learner is something NTNAU teachers strive for. We strive to establish a warm, demanding stance with our students and prioritise the creation of a safe, inclusive and emotionally supportive classroom culture for each learner. The NTNAU Instructional Coaching Program gives leaders of learning across our Network the tools and ability to do the same with adult learners. Designed specifically for those leading school change or simply improvements in teaching and learning, we invite you to join us in Terms 3 and 4 2024 to dive into our coach development program for leading adult learning with small groups and one-on-one.
Coupled with our Middle Leadership Development sessions and Train the Trainer, the Instructional Coaching Program, led by highly experienced School Development Coach, Emily Liccioni, is an essential aspect of successful, sustainable school change and leading for Deeper Learning.
The instructional coaching program gave me the confidence to help my team with better ways to question students and get feedback to improve our teaching and classroom atmosphere.
As a school, we've naturally integrated coaching discussions into our weekly planning time, and most staff have come to see that student feedback is the most valuable since our focus, as teachers, is on the students. This approach takes the pressure off teachers, making it a collaborative effort rather than a critique, fostering a sense of partnership instead of "I know best."
Emma Attard, Year 3 & 4 Coordinator, Pimpama Campus, King’s Christian College QLD
Asking teachers to break the mould and adopt innovations in the classroom requires fostering Deeper Learning communities throughout the entire ecosystem of the school.
The NTNAU Instructional Coaching Program creates a Network-wide team of coaching allies who meet virtually each fortnight to learn together, reflect and share their experiences. Topics covered on the course include:
The Principles of Adult Learning
Becoming a Warm Demander
Establishing current reality through data collection and learning walks
Designing equitable learning for adults
Coaching cycles to support classroom facilitation practices
Dialogic coaching and coaching with grace
Identifying and navigating creative tension
1:1 Coaching skills
Registration closes 30th June 2024 5pm.
Places limited, register as soon as possible to ensure you don’t miss out.