What if school inspired and engaged?
What if classes offered relevant learning experiences?
What if students could develop the skills most valued by employers?
The New Tech Network Australia model of PBL has the answers. Transformed schools exist today.
New Tech Network Australia is a Leading Design Partner for Comprehensive School Change
At New Tech Network, students are problem solvers and creators. They learn to collaborate and communicate. Through challenging, authentic projects, they learn to adapt and engage in the world around them.
New Tech Network Australia is a leading design partner for comprehensive school change. New Tech Network Australia works closely with schools to create innovative learning environments. Through a proven school model, a project-based learning (PBL) platform, and powerful professional development we coach schools toward lasting change and ongoing improvement.
We are at a turning point
We all recognise the need to modernise teaching practices within Australia. OEDC rankings and the findings of the Gonski Report 2.0 demonstrate both the need for academic rigour in key areas such as literacy and numeracy and the need for a more student-centred approach to teaching.
With a growing network and a proven model that not only boosts student engagement, academic performance and equips young people with the real world skills they need once they graduate, New Tech Network Australia is working with schools throughout Australia to spread innovative practices across multiple regions at all grade levels.
What we offer
Here at New Tech Network Australia we recognise that each school is different and has different needs and levels of support. We work closely with school Principals and school leaders to deliver the package best suited to your school.
With an approach that is unique to each school we work with, New Tech Network Australia empowers schools to make the shift towards student-centred learning practices throughout Australia in various ways:
Whole staff professional development
Leadership coaching and support
Strategic support for change management and transforming school culture
Project and problem-based learning ideation and development
Ongoing on-site and virtual coaching
Instructional Coaching: Coach Development Program
New Tech Network Australia events (Leadership Summit, Meeting of the Minds)
New Tech Network events (US)
Train the Trainer certification
Training and ongoing support with Echo: Learning Management System
Accredited Training