FREE Virtual Workshop: Inclusive, Equitable Classrooms

With people around the world taking to the streets to protest racial inequality, the Black Lives Matter movement is a hot topic amongst many of the young people we teach. A light has been shone once again on Aboriginal deaths in custody and our students watched with horror, as we did, the brutal restraint of George Floyd and far too many other African Americans in the US.

In divided and uncertain times, it’s the classroom teacher that will so often be at the coal face of these discussions: fielding questions, privy to our students inner thoughts and acting as a key contributor as they shape their opinions and view of the world. It’s an important time for self-reflection and some fantastic tools exist for helping us check for subconscious-bias in our relationships with students. Following a summer of self-reflection with our partners at NTAC in the US, we’ve been asking ourselves this important question:

How might our teaching practices, curriculum and projects become more inclusive and equitable for the benefit of all the students in our class?

We’re excited to bring you this latest Virtual Workshop on Inclusive, Equitable Classrooms which will aim to answer this question, with some help from our friends at the Healing Foundation and an expert Project-Based Learning teacher at St. Joseph’s College, Geelong who will share her Black Lives Matter project on Rites and Rebellions.

Please visit for a sneak peek at some of the content we’ll be sharing.

In the meantime, please sign up here to make sure you don’t miss out.

If you’d like help implementing a powerful, authentic project-based learning unit of work that tackles racial equity while fostering equity-minded practices in your school, please email