Leadership Summit 2019: Designing Learning Experiences for Adults
Leadership Summit Australia 2019
Emmanuel College, Melbourne
How do we move from staff meetings and ‘business as usual’ to collaborative opportunities for deeper learning?
In March, Curriculum and Subject Leaders from across Australia met at Emmanuel College to learn from each other and dive deeply into the topic of Adult Learning Experiences using NTN’s 4 Conditions of Deeper Learning. Round table discussions, chalk-talk protocols and a microlab guided participants towards designing agendas that are meaningful, active, responsive and reflective. Facilitated by NTN Development Coach, Kris Williams, it was inspiring to see so many pioneering school leaders rethink the opportunities for deeper learning that exist in staff meetings. Thank you to Kris and all our attendees, especially those that travelled interstate.
“My staff found the day very beneficial, especially the opportunity to network with other schools who are on the same journey but at differing stages.”
- Vivienne Awad, Principal, Domremy College NSW