Meaningful Assessment for Student Growth and Agency

Meaningful Assessment for Student Growth and Agency



Wednesday 27th March 10:30am-12:30pm


Wednesday 27th March 3:30pm-5:30pm


EVENT CATEGORY: Teacher Professional Development K-10, Innovative Teaching Practices, Assessment

Session Time:
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Designed for Classroom Teachers K-10 and Leaders of Teaching, Learning and Curriculum, this unique professional learning opportunity is centred on fostering knowledge and skills in relation to using assessment practices that foster equitable opportunities through growth-oriented and purposeful


Understand how to:

  • Focus on feedback

  • Assess for learning

  • Make grading equitable and manageable

  • Prioritise performance assessment

Drawing on input and expertise presented by highly experienced PBL classroom teacher and NTNAU School Development Coach, Emily Liccioni, participants will be actively supported to craft, evaluate, strengthen and embed growth-oriented and purposeful assessment practices.

The program structure will consist of one x two hour virtual workshop session. Participants can choose to attend either the morning session or after school session on Wednesday 27th March.

Workshop will provide:

  • Opportunity to explore a range of evidence-based assessment practices that promote both student collaboration and student agency

  • NTN Rubrics for fostering student growth in collaboration skills and agency

  • Expert guidance: Learn how to craft and improve equitable, meaningful assessments with expert guidance and subsequent feedback.

This is a two hour virtual workshop on Wednesday 27th March. Please choose to attend EITHER the morning session OR the after school session.

Morning Session: 27/03/2024, 10:30am-12:30pm

After school session: 27/03/2024, 3.30pm-5.30pm

Audience: Classroom Teachers, Leaders of Learning, Middle Leaders, Directors and Deputies in Curriculum Teaching Learning Year K-12

Delivery mode: Online

Presenters: Emily Liccioni, New Tech Network Australia School Development Coach

Investment: $150.00 (+GST)

Bookings for this event/series close at 5.00pm on 22/03/2024

For registration enquiries or bookings of 4 or more please contact

This event is FREE for all Network Member schools.

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