Virtual Workshop: NTKs and the Student-Centred Classroom

We all know that student inquiry is the cornerstone that should drive teaching and learning post project launch but keeping the Need to Know list alive is something that many of us PBL teachers struggle with. Join us for the next Virtual Workshop as we explore ways to…

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New Tech Network Australia Presenting at ACSA 2019 Curriculum Conference

The call to action of the ‘Through Growth to Achievement’ education review highlights the urgent need for educators and education systems to ensure that Australian students receive a world-class education that empowers, engages and enriches. This exciting conference will explore the key priorities…

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NTAC: 'Power of Us' Award Recipients Establish Successful Inter-School Collaboration

As a PBL teacher that has collaborated with teachers in schools in the UK, France and the USA, I know well the opportunities and challenges that abound with a collaborative, inter-school project! This past year, New Tech Network introduced the Power of Us Awards as a way to stimulate more cross-school interaction and collaborative learning and work across the Network.

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The U.S. education ecosystem is complex and too often the ‘change’ rhetoric is polarizing and blame-based. This article  showcases our organizational beliefs and offers insights and tips based on a strong evidence-based track record of success. For nearly twenty years New Tech Network leaders have forged powerful partnerships with school districts of every size and locale to redesign how schools work so that more students experience school as empowering.

– Lydia Dobyns, CEO New Tech Network

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VIRTUAL WORKSHOP 20th May 2019 @ 3:30pm: How do I teach & assess Agency?

Why do some students work hard and engage in school, even in the face of academic or personal challenge, while others give-up easily or are unwilling to try?  In the last decade, research on mindset reveals success is less determined by innate talent, and more dependent on what we believe about our own ability to learn and get better at a something through effort or practice.  As an NTN outcome, Agency demonstrates…

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Leadership Summit 2019: Designing Learning Experiences for Adults

In March, Curriculum and Subject Leaders from across Australia met at Emmanuel College to learn from each other and dive deeply into the topic of Adult Learning Experiences using NTN’s 4 Conditions of Deeper Learning. Round table discussions, chalk-talk protocols and a microlab guided participants towards designing agendas that are meaningful, active, responsive and reflective. Facilitated by NTN Development Coach, Kris Williams…

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